(Applications Accepted September 1st - November 15th, 2024)
We are now accepting applications and resumes for rider support starting September 1st and running until November 15th for the 2024 season.
* Riders must apply each year
Step 1: Complete “Tribe Applicant Information” Form below
Step 2: Send us your resume by mail:
Nihilo Tribe
8300 SW Lost River Road
Stuart Fl, 34997
Attach the Word document or PDF Resume to an email to ridersupport@nihiloconcepts.com
Step 3: Set up Nihilo Account if you don't already have one
Step 4: Await email from the team of the Tribe Decision and further instructions.
If you were not accepted, don't be discouraged. We have thousands of applications sent in every year. And while we would LOVE to sponsor everyone, we have a limited budget each season. Keep trying! We only need to receive your resume one time per year, but we encourage you to SEND AN UPDATED RESUME EVERY YEAR so we have your latest information in our system. We look forward to learning more about you and your passion for racing!
If you have completed the three steps to the application process and your resume is in review with our team, you will hear back about your Tribe status via email on or before 11/30/2024.
Keep in mind this year as you continue to race and collect results that Nihilo is not always looking for the fastest rider on the track but more importantly we are looking for serious competitors that race on a regular basis and are working hard to become better while maintaining the highest level of sportsmanship and professionalism. Fill out the form below or click here.