Nihilo Concepts Sponsors KTM Junior SX Around The World
Over the last decade, KTM has become the number one brand of motocross bike in the world. Today at amateur and professional races around the globe, the gates are full of KTM’s from 50 Mini’s to full size 450’s and they are winning everything in sight.
There are lots of reasons for the unprecedented success of KTM, they have a long history dating back to the 60’s of building motocross bikes for competition, the machines are of the highest quality and fastest on the track, the Factory race teams win every weekend in SX and Outdoor Motocross, they continue to lead the market in new technology but maybe the most important is the brand understands the importance of capturing the affection of the youngest riders on the track early, in order to make them fans of the brand for life.
Since 1996 KTM has been fielding a fleet of identically prepared KTM 50’s and selecting riders from around the country to compete on the same tracks as the Professional Super Cross racers in Stadiums around the country on the same night as the pros in front of a live TV audience.
Many SX Champions of today have competed in KTMJSX as 7-8 year old kids, riders such as Ryan Dungy, Zach Osborne, Mike Alessi to name a few. All of the riders selected for the events get to cut their teeth on KTM’s and grow to love the brand throughout their careers.
Nihilo Concepts is proud to be a sponsor of the KTM Junior Supercross, and we have been providing many of the parts used on the bikes since 2009. Items such as Billet Ignition and Clutch covers, chain guides, chain blocks, Frame Grip Tape and lots more to make the bikes look great under the lights. This year we were excited for the opportunity to sponsor the same program on the other side of the globe in Australia and New Zealand.
Kyle Blunden and the crew at KTM Australia-New Zealand organized their first KTM Junior Supercross event this year, patterning it after the USA event and by all indications, it has been a great success. They provided the same level of professionalism for the riders and everyone had a great time.
Nihilo hopes to be involved with the KTM Junior Supercross for years to come whenever and where ever it happens around the world, it’s always a good thing to help kids become involved with motorcycles and get them off the couch, in most cases they will grow to enjoy the sport of motorcycling for the rest of their lives. Who knows someday maybe their own kids will have the opportunity to compete in the big stadiums just like they did thanks to KTM.
Photo Credit: Auckland/Foremost
Photo Credit: Auckland/Foremost
Photo Credit: Auckland/Foremost
Photo Credit: Auckland/Foremost
Photo Credit: Aaryn Minerds/Fullnoise
Photo Credit/ 2019 Monster Energy S-X OPEN
By: Bob Brewster Riding and wrenching on dirt bikes since 1968
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